Funded Courses


Trade Skill Assessment Gap Training (TSAGT)

The Queensland Government have recognised there are skill shortages in our industry and are funding training for eligible participants.

Have you been working as a Hairdresser or Barber and want your skills recognised?

Are you an employer wanting the skills of your staff recognised? If you have answered Yes to either question above enquire today phone 07 5510 9112.

Click here for more information!

Certificate 3 Guarantee Program (Certificate II in Salon Assistant)

Creative Edge Training is a pre-approved supplier for the Queensland Government’s Certificate 3 Guarantee Program, delivering Certificate II in Salon Assistant to supports eligible individuals to complete their first post-school certificate III level qualification and increase their skills to move into employment, re-enter the workforce or advance their career.

The program has been implemented by the Queensland government to up skill and train participants in areas that have been identified as having a shortage of qualified workers in our state.

Click here for more information!

User Choice – Apprenticeship Training

Creative Edge Training is  funded by the department to provide training and assessment services for Apprenticeship training, at a reduced cost, under the department’s User Choice program.

If eligible you may elect to utilise this funding , or choose to pay the full amount for training delivered by our training organisation.

A requirement for this funding by the Government is that a Co contribution fee is collected for each unit of delivery. A students eligibility for concessional status will be determined on information & evidence collected at enrollment.

Please find the Co contribution fees  attached  for the following qualifications:

School Based Apprenticeships

Certificate III in Hairdressing and Barbering can be studied whilst at school.

A school based Apprenticeship may be commenced whilst still at school in year 10, 11 and 12. A SAT or School Based Apprentice may complete up to 40% of their chosen qualification while remaining at school.

The best place to start is with the school vocational coordinator or contact us directly on 07 5510 9112 for more advice.

This will attribute time credit towards completing the full Certificate 111 qualification once you have completed school and points will also be awarded to you towards your QCE, please see below.

Based on your completed competence and hours worked towards your certificate III the Department of Education will advise the required time credit towards your Apprenticeship.


While still at school Year 11 and Year 12 students can complete a work based SHB20216 Certificate II in Salon Assistant .  The model commonly used is for the student to undertake the Traineeship at the salon one day per week.

The formal part of the Traineeship program is delivered by Creative Edge Training either at college or in the workplace.  Please call us directly on 07 55 109 112 or talk with the school vocational coordinator for more advice.

Click here for more information!