QLD Apprentice & Training Information
About Apprenticeships & Traineeships in QLD
Employer or Host Employer
Employers of apprentices are required to assist and supervise work-based training, pay wages and provide entitlements, provide a safe working environment and release their apprentice or trainee from work to participate in training with the SRTO.
The employer hires an Apprentice. If the apprentice is under 18, they may require a parent or guardian to provide signed consent on apprentice or trainee the training contract. If the apprentice or trainee is school-based, their school is required to provide approval.
My Apprenticeship is a self-service website. Apprentices can register to update their contact information, access training contract details and view training results on myApprenticeship.
Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) Provider
The employer will contact the AASN who assists the employer and apprentice [or school-based apprentice –(SAT)] to commence their apprenticeship. The AASN will assist the employer and apprentice to complete and sign a training contract form which is a legally binding contract. Once the apprenticeship has commenced, the AASN can be contacted regarding incentives, support services and workplace visits.
To find an AASN please visit: click
Supervising Registered Training Organisation (SRTO)
Creative Edge Training is a SRTO and develops the training plan, delivers the training and provides ongoing support throughout the apprenticeship to ensure the training stays on track.
The SRTO may also be referred to as the Training Organisation, RTO or College.
Creative Edge Training will provide full support to the Employer and Apprentice at every step and will assist with any questions or concerns regarding the apprenticeship. We can also be contacted regarding the training plan, training record book, training delivery and assessment issues; recognition of prior learning, language, literacy and numeracy support, and completion of the apprenticeship.
- Communication…
- Is key
- Customised
- Supportive Education
Department of Trade, Employment and Training (DTET)
The department oversees and administers the apprenticeship system and helps employers and apprentices, or SAT (School based Apprentice) get the most from their experience.
Contact Apprenticeships Info for advice, support and referrals to regional offices on 1800 210 210
The Queensland Skills Gateway provides access to information on vocational education and training including government funding and eligibility. For more information, please visit the Skills Gateway website.
School Based Apprenticeships
Certificate III in Hairdressing and Barbering can be studied whilst at school.
A school based Apprenticeship may be commenced whilst still at school in year 10, 11 and 12. A SAT or School Based Apprentice may complete up to 40% of their chosen qualification while remaining at school.
The best place to start is with the school vocational coordinator or contact us directly on 07 5510 9112 for more advice.
This will attribute time credit towards completing the full Certificate 111 qualification once you have completed school and points will also be awarded to you towards your QCE, please see below.
Based on your completed competence and hours worked towards your certificate III the Department of Education will advise the required time credit towards your Apprenticeship.
While still at school Year 11 and Year 12 students can complete a work based SHB20216 Certificate II in Salon Assistant . The model commonly used is for the student to undertake the Traineeship at the salon one day per week.
The formal part of the Traineeship program is delivered by Creative Edge Training either at college or in the workplace. Please call us directly on 07 55 109 112 or talk with the school vocational coordinator for more advice.
Queensland Certificate of Education
The Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) is Queensland’s senior schooling qualification. The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) will award the QCE to students who successfully meet all of the requirements.
A completed or partially completed apprenticeship or traineeship undertaken by a student enrolled in school are ‘contributing studies’ for a QCE and results of assessment are recorded in the student’s learning account.
For further information about the QCE, and how it is affected by a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship, talk with your school or visit the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority website.
For further information on School based Apprenticeships please visit the dedicated Apprenticeships Info page.
Australian Government assistance
The Australian Government provides the following support and financial help to eligible apprentices and trainees:
- Youth Allowance, Austudy and ABSTUDY
As part of this assistance, apprentices and trainees may be eligible for a health care card which may entitle them to a reduction in some of the costs of training. - Financial support and loans
The Trade Support Loan and Support for Adult Australian Apprentices Initiative can help apprentices with every day costs while completing their apprenticeship. - Living Away From Home Allowance
An allowance for eligible apprentices and trainees who have to move away from their parent or guardians’ home in order to take up or retain an apprenticeship.
Apprenticeship & Traineeship course information
Certificate III in Hairdressing Click here
Certificate III in Barbering Click here
Certificate II in Salon Assistant Click here
User Choice
Creative Edge Training is funded by the department to provide training and assessment services for Apprenticeship training, at a reduced cost, under the department’s User Choice program.
If eligible you may elect to utilise this funding , or choose to pay the full amount for training delivered by our training organisation.
A requirement for this funding by the Government is that a Co contribution fee is collected for each unit of delivery. A students eligibility for concessional status will be determined on information evidence collected at enrollment.
Please find the Co contribution fees attached for the following qualifications:
- SHB20216_Student Contribution fees
- SHB30416_Student Contribution fees
- SHB30516_Student Contribution fees
Employers Information
At Creative Edge Training we customise training to inspire teams to develop quality skills producing a stronger more professionally advanced team.
We provide personalised education to individual needs for both apprentices and salons with a program designed to exceed expectations and are proud to be at the forefront of Education offering a wide range of flexible delivery.
Our claim to have the best delivery program for Hairdressers & Barbers is backed by our practical focused approach along with the communication and support of our
Industry current team of educators and our employer engagement.
Our Training is provided in the workplace and / or in our Academy with the addition of fully subsidised workshops for skills trained in the qualification.
This style of education is customised to your Organisation and fully supported with a team of quality educators.
Students can also attend our Academy at any of our locations.
If you have not employed an Apprentice before, please click the Information page for Employers and Apprentices which contains helpful information on apprenticeships.
Apprentice Information
Commencing in the workplace as an Apprenticeship involves working and training toward a Certificate III in Hairdressing or Barbering for a period of 3 – 6 years depending on your employment conditions.
Managing both work and study can be a difficult time and this is where the Creative Edge Team assist to make your journey more enjoyable.
You will be allocated a Creative Educator who will educate and monitor your individual progression. We will keep both your Employer and yourself fully informed, support and assist through quality education and recommendation of required boot camps and workshops you need to attend to successfully acquire your qualification
Creative Edge Training guarantees to deliver Excellence in Education and Training, to develop an individual’s talent as future leading Hairdressers and Barbers, relevant and respected in industry.
Considering enrolling?
If you are a new or continuing student undertaking a nationally recognised training course you need a USI in order to receive your qualification or statement of attainment.
If you don’t have a USI you will not receive your qualification or statement of attainment.
Your USI will give you access to an online record of the training you have done since 1 January 2015.
You will also be able to produce a comprehensive transcript of your training.
This can be used when applying for a job, seeking a credit transfer or demonstrating pre-requisites when undertaking further training.
Don’t have a USI? Click here to create your USI
How do I view my Transcript
Click here to find how to access.
You can allow creative Edge Training 41497 to view your transcript online by logging into your USI account, clicking on the Manage Permissions tile and adding our organisations details above to give us permission to view your transcript.
All students enrolling in nationally recognised training need to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI).
The Unique Student Identifier or USI is a reference number made up of 10 numbers and letters that:
Creates a secure online record of your recognised training and qualifications gained in Australia
& allows you access to your training records and transcripts which can be accessed online, anytime and anywhere.